WFGA Scholarship

Wake Forest Guild of Artists Scholarship Application - 2025

Link to Application

The Wake Forest Guild of Artists, the visual arts group of ARTS Wake Forest, is providing a scholarship in a

one-time award of $500 to a graduating senior that will attend college for a Visual art based program for

an art based career. The funds should be applied to obtaining materials for the student’s college studio art

classes. This scholarship is reserved for current high school seniors that are residents of Wake Forest, NC

who have been accepted to an accredited college or university for a studio art program including arts

based specialty schools, 4-year, 2-year and community colleges. Eligible candidates live in Wake Forest

and are attending high school in WCPSS, private/parochial schools, and/or home school programs.

Applicants must furnish proof of acceptance to a college/university, proof of their Wake Forest address,

submit a short response essay answering the questions below, and 3-5 artworks. This scholarship may be

combined with tuition assistance, grants, or another scholarship.

The deadline is 11:59pm April 20, 2025.

The scholarship recipient will receive the award in late May of 2025. They will also receive an exhibit of

up to 10 artworks at the Renaissance Centre in Wake Forest during the month of June 2025. The

recipient will receive the funds in the form of a Jerry’s Artarama gift card which will be presented at a

reception there that is open to the public. The recipient of the scholarship must allow the WFGA the use of

their picture/artworks and first name in fundraising and promotion of the WFGA Scholarship Fund. If under 18,

parental approval must be given.

Submit photos or videos of at least 3, but no more than 5, artworks. They should exhibit your

skills as an artist and represent your most creative/original work. They may be in any of the

media listed below. Please list title, size, and media for your selected works. Photos must be JPEG or

PNG and videos must be MP4.If using Untitled for all, please add a different number for each artwork.

Copyright & Plagiarism - All work submitted to the scholarship must be YOUR original work, meaning

you created the work based on your own ideas. By submitting work to the scholarship, you agree that you

created it and did not copy it from any other person, business, school, or organization. Any work that

infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights will be disqualified. Final submissions and any source

derivatives are subject to all appropriate US copyright laws, with emphasis on having full permissions to

use any prior works of others (photos, etc.) as a component of their submission. Credit must be given to

the work of others (ex: “Photo by John Smith”).

Submit a short response essay by telling us about your artistic journey (max 2 pages):

How did you begin creating art and who/what has helped/inspired your work?

Which art degree are you pursuing and what art based career is your goal?

How will this scholarship help you achieve your goals?

Why did you select the attached artworks (photos or video)? How do they represent your artistic


Link to application

Artwork submissions may be in the following areas:

Animation Architecture Ceramics Comic Art Design Digital Art

Drawing Fashion Film Glass Illustration Industrial Design

Metal Work Mixed Media Painting Photography Printmaking Sculpture